R&D Service provides measurements you can rely on
ment Director Hélène Lehtinen . Lehtinen says that for numerous custom- ers the team has found solutions which can reduce or eliminate plastic in the packaging. These solutions have also made the packaging fully recyclable, helping customers to achieve their sustainability targets. To give an example, Lehtinen describes a case where previously used paperboard with PE coating was replaced with Metsä Board’s dispersion coated paperboard. “We were able to reduce the amount of plastics without compromising on the goods protection, and prove it with our measure- ments. The packaging was also lighter, which contributes to resource savings, lower CO 2 emissions and a lower carbon footprint. We could present all those benefits to the cus- tomer in clear figures,” Lehtinen concludes.
When it comes to comparing different pack- aging materials, reducing plastic, or investi- gating gluing issues with the paperboard, the R&D team is ready to help. The team offers various measurement opportunities in their Äänekoski-based Excellence Centre research and development laboratory with an ISO 9001-certified quality system. Nowadays, use of 3D simulation makes the work both faster and more afforda- ble for the customer, as it reduces the amount of physical prototypes required. “For example, we can investigate how the packaging could be made lighter without compromising on its key properties and its pri- mary purpose of protecting the contents. Our strength is that we can create each customer a tailor-made plan for what measurements are helpful for their case,” says Barrier Develop-
3D simulation makes the work both faster and more affordable for the customer.
Where is my order?
That is the most common question asked from Supply Chain and Digital Service team, tells Carla Da Rocha Moniz , Business Pro- cess Expert. “We need to build flexibility into our processes and at the same time to be able to keep our promises to the customers and provide them information they need in a timely manner,” Supply Chain Development Director Tarja Kemppi says. Kemppi tells that their team can do problem solving together by analyzing for example different Supply Model options or conduct joint development projects. “To increase efficiency and decrease manual work we provide customer support to build system-to-system integrations with Metsä Board. Our goal is also to bring more transparency using Metsä Board Online -tool for a quick access to docu- ments, make call-offs from the stock and so forth.” Metsä Board Online was renewed in February to increase the usability of the tool. Da Rocha Moniz tells that as next step
the team aims to build new functionalities to the tool. “Hopefully soon we can use Metsä Board Online as a platform also for our other ser- vices,” Kemppi says.
We can provide customers support to build system- to-system integrations with Metsä Board.
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