Metsä Group has launched a video series called “Time to talk” that dives deep into forest ma- nagement and wood use. Forests are not only linked to climate and biodiversity, but are also a topic of discussion from an economic and employment perspective. Metsä Group’s video series brings experts with different perspectives and viewpoints to the same table to discuss the future of nature, the forest sector and the nation, and the role of forests. The series consists of five discussions. The first episode focuses on the role of forests in combating climate change. The second episode looks at ways to achieve a more diverse forest ecosystem. The third one considers how to strike the best balance between managing and using the forests to combat climate change and safeguard biodiversity. The last two episodes explore the everyday life of forest management. Watch the episodes online: www.metsagroup. com/metsa-group/experience-metsa/time- to-talk/
At the core of Metsä Group’s resource efficiency thinking is the goal to utilise all production side streams 100%, either as materi- als or as energy. Another step was taken in resource efficiency when Montinutra Oy, an investment tar- get of the Group’s innovation com- pany Metsä Spring, announced that it will begin project planning for a new production facility connected with Metsä Fibre’s Vilppula sawmill. The primary raw material at the planned production plant is sawdust, a side stream from the sawmill. Montinutra produces valuable personal care, chemical, food, and beverage ingredients. As the products would replace fos-
sil-based ingredients, significant CO 2 emissions are avoided. According to Metsä Spring’s SVP, Group R&D Katariina Kemppainen , the further processing of sawdust is a good example of resource- efficient use of wood, where side-streams are utilised for the manufacture of various organic products. “The sawdust remaining in the process is still an important raw material for bioenergy and sup- ports Metsä Group’s goal to break away from fossil fuels.” Assuming that the conditions for the final investment decision are met, the plant can start operating earliest in 2025.
The further processing of sawdust is a good example of resource-efficient use of wood.
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