Better with Less – Design Challenge
Silja Eisto photos: Metsä Group
T he need for recyclable, fit-for-purpose, light- weight packaging is constantly growing along the circular economy. Packaging designers are important change makers who play an essential role in innovating smarter, resource-efficient packag- es. Metsä Board challenged designers from all over the world to design future zero-waste solutions. The Better with Less – Design Challenge received
creative solutions from 124 designers from 27 coun- tries all over the world. This enthusiasm also reflects the spirit of the competition: we face the world- wide need for circular packaging together – and we should find better solutions together. These winning innovations celebrate innovative thinking and are great examples of future zero-waste solutions. •
SHARED FIRST PRIZE Cardboard Protecting Filler by Marcin Michalski, Monika Klimpel, and Adrian Olejnik, Poland
“This should just be the standard. I cannot believe it does not already exist.”
Simple and strong This innovation challenges traditional ways of protecting consumer goods. The team has developed a solution forming a beam-like structure that protects the contents, for example, a TV, efficiently on each side of the package. The beams are made of corrugated board. The board performs well thanks to liners made of fresh fibre. These material
choices result in a lightweight and durable solution. There are still protecting solutions com- bining styrofoam and corrugated board on the market. This monomaterial innovation supports the circular economy by minimis- ing the material used and enabling easy recycling. It can also be stored flat, which takes less space compared to styrofoam.
Read, what the winners think about sustainable package design
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