Metsä Board Magazine – Winter 2022


50 % The first-ever national recycling goal of 50 percent by 2030 in the USA was announced in 2020.


Examples of regulation and other initiatives to reduce packaging waste: • 175 nations endorsed a resolution at the UN Environment Assembly in Nairobi in March 2022 to end plastic pollution, and to forge an international legally binding agreement by the end of 2024. • The European Union’s “Single-Use Plastics Directive” (SUPD), has banned certain single-use plastic items such as disposable plates, straws and cutlery, and is expecting member states to reduce the use of single-use beverage cups and food containers – including plastic coated or lined paper cups and containers – by 2026. • In the European Union, the review of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (PPWD) is ongoing. The European Commission is expected to give their proposal by the end of 2022, including targets to increase the reuse of packaging and recycled content in plastics packaging. • The first-ever national recycling goal of 50 percent by 2030 in the USA was announced in November 2020. • In the USA, an increasing number of cities (e.g. New York, Washington DC, Los Angeles) and states have banned expanded polystyrene (EPS) foodservice containers and plastic straws. • In the State of California, there is a binding obligation to reduce the use of plastics in single-use packaging by 10 percent by 2027 and 25 percent by 2032, e.g., by using lighter weight packaging, alternative packaging materials, or reusable packaging.

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