Metsä Board Magazine – Winter 2022


By 2030, 100% of L’Oréal’s bio-based ingredients for formulas

and packaging materials will be traceable and will come from sustainable sources, none of them will be linked to deforestation.


In previous years, Metsä Board received individual A grades from CDP, but in 2021, Metsä Board received three A grades for the first time. “Triple-A is a big deal for us. We can show brand owners and converters that our operations are responsible in all respects. It is of the utmost importance for us that what we say is based on facts. When it is appropriate, an external party always verifies our calcula- tions,” says Anne Uusitalo , Product Safety and Sustainability Director at Metsä Board. As part of the CDP assessment, Metsä Board reports on the carbon footprint of the board supplied to L’Oréal and some other big brand owners. “Since 2017, the carbon footprint of the products we deliver to L’Oréal has decreased by 50%,” says Uusitalo. Metsä Board can also calculate different material options’ environ- mental impacts on customers. “We can compare what the CO₂ emissions are if the packaging is metal, glass, plastic, a combination of plastic and board, or just board.” Just as for L’Oréal, EcoVadis is an essential measurement for Metsä Board. This year, Metsä Board again achieved the highest Platinum level. “Besides sustainability, high cor- porate and social responsibility per- formance is essential, both for our stakeholders and us,” says Uusitalo. “Achieving the full 100 score in the Environment section and the Leader status in carbon management assessment is an acknowledge- ment of our journey to fossil-free production and products by the end of 2030.”

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