Metsä Board Magazine – Spring 2024


John Litwak Procurement Manager, Haleon

is “very supportive” of sustainable solutions – and, indeed, eager to see more of them. “You only have to visit a local grocery store in the US to see that consumers have become more aware of these issues. They’re now more willing than ever to go out of their way to make a better choice.” Taking charge This shift in consumer attitudes encourages industry players to make even bolder moves.

“We’re eager to see new technology and solutions from Metsä Board and our other strategic partners. The sky is really the limit for development.” Having been with Haleon for nine years, Litwak has seen a powerful wave of change rising across the industry – and he doesn’t expect it to wane any time soon. “Sustainable products have a strong foothold in the market, which in turn means that you have a lot more options now than you did ten years ago.” •

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