Metsä Board Magazine – Spring 2024


Texts: Elina Hovinen and Metsä Board Photos: Jussi Hellsten and Metsä Group

EU tackles deforestation

In April 2023, the European Parliament approved new rules oblig- ing companies to verify that products placed on the European Un- ion market or exported from it have not contributed to deforesta- tion or forest degradation anywhere in the world. In addition to wood, the new law applies to commodities such as palm oil, soy, cocoa, coffee, rubber and cattle, as well as derivative products like beef, leather, cosmetics, chocolate, furniture, paper- board, packaging cases and boxes. This new regulation, replacing the previous EU Timber regulation, entered into force in June 2023, with operational implementation starting later this year. From 30 December 2024 onwards, products placed on the EU market or exported from the EU must be covered by due diligence statements. “Metsä Group’s wood procurement always complies with exist- ing legislation. We are following the process closely so that we will be able to help our customers with reporting needs now and in the future,” clarifies Anne Uusitalo Product Safety & Sustainability Di- rector at Metsä Board. Metsä Board only uses wood that can be traced back to sustain- ably managed Northern European forests which ensure the regen- eration of forests and biodiversity. The majority of the wood used, 91 per cent in 2023, originates from either PEFC or FSC®-certified forest sources. All non-certified wood is required to meet at least the criteria for PEFC Controlled Sources and FSC Controlled Wood. Our licence codes are PEFC/ 02-31-92 and FSC-C001580.

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