Metsä Board Magazine – Spring 2024


Future of Paperboard

Various solutions to overpackaging are being devel- oped all over the world. One of them is Jomet, a Finn- ish family business that sells packaging automation solu- tions. It has developed an automatic packaging machine as a solution to the problem of overpackaging. “Previously, businesses weren’t as cost-effective as they are now. As the competition intensifies in the packaging industry, and freight and logistics costs increase, it’s be- come necessary to come up with more efficient packag- ing solutions and reduce the transport of empty space,” says Kari Järvinen , Managing Director of Jomet. The automatic packaging machine developed by Jom- et can scale the package size for the product to be dis- patched based on the package’s vertical and horizon- tal area. “The same machine can be used to package smaller and larger packages, decreasing the transport of unnec- essary air,” Järvinen says.

The package’s most important task is to protect In e-commerce, the requirements for the package come from several directions. In the last few years, the focus has been on reducing the amount of packaging waste and plastic, as well as on recyclable solutions and ma- terials with a smaller environmental impact. “The designer must operate on the upstream side and design solutions that have an impact on the carbon foot- print and waste resulting from the product. Choosing the correct material plays a key role,” Numminen says. In addition to the packaging material, the internal padding materials, the weight of the package and var- ious gluing solutions affect the total emissions. Metsä Board has developed various fibre-based solutions for filling materials that replace plastic, are easier to recy- cle and have a smaller carbon footprint. The package’s most important task is still to protect the product.

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