Metsä Board Magazine – Spring 2024


Sustainable solutions

The first step is to measure the current pack- aging and calculate its environmental impacts in terms of its carbon footprint or overall en- vironmental impacts. “This information is based on product cat- egory rules for processed paper and paper- board, which are used when conducting envi- ronmental product declarations (EPDs). If the customer wishes, Metsä Board can also pro- vide a full Life Cycle Assessment with a wid- er range of environmental impact categories and resource use indicators for all its paper- boards,” explains Lari Oksala , Sustainability Manager at Metsä Board. “As a responsible material supplier, it’s our job to provide pharma brand owners with ac- curate unbiased information that helps them evaluate packaging materials to make bet- ter-informed and more sustainable choices in reducing their carbon footprint,” says Anne Uusitalo , Product Safety and Sustainability Director at Metsä Board.

A holistic approach to packaging design for all-round savings

Once Metsä Board’s experts understand the construction and material of the existing pharma packaging, they work with the brand owner to identify alternative materials that can positively affect the packaging’s carbon footprint. Packaging design experts at Metsä Board’s Excellence Centre can also help iden- tify further opportunities to reduce packag- ing material consumption through new de- sign solutions. The next step is to choose the right material. With Metsä Board’s help, pharma companies can identify materials that they can use to re- duce their packaging’s carbon footprint. This to protect its valuable contents while having good printing properties and projecting the brand image effectively. Metsä Board’s lightweight folding boxboards are made from sustainably sourced fresh wood fibres using resource efficient manufacturing processes and a high share of fossil free energy, which enables a lower carbon footprint. This helps brands create packaging designs that are lighter than those made with conventional pa- perboards while retaining the durability and functional properties of heavier grades.

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