Metsä Board Magazine – Spring 2024


Case 2: New use-cases for an existing solution

Metsä Board’s design team noticed that the market lacked a paperboard-based bowl with a hot-sealed lid that was large enough for transporting food. They got down to work – they came up with a versatile paperboard bowl for food, including for the takeaway context – and this innovation can accommodate even demanding dishes like soup. Thanks to a hot-sealed bowl, there is no risk of leakage – so you don’t end up with chili sauce on the front seat of your car or in your bag.

Currently in the test phase, the paper- board bowl innovation is likely to be piloted this year. The goal is to renew fresh food packaging solutions by introducing more sustaina- ble new packaging products and testing whether packaging solutions for take- away products could also be used for shelf products. The renewal of packaging concepts requires good cooperation with grocery stores.


At Metsä Board, we cherish a culture of open innovation. When we identify possibil- ities for improvement in the field of packaging, our specialists get to work. Partner- ing with leading experts, we develop solutions and share them openly. We don’t just keep the ideas to ourselves. We want the entire industry to develop. In addition to these open innovation projects, our 360 Services can focus on par- ticular challenges that our customers have, looking at their packaging from several angles, covering the entire value chain. Our premium lightweight paperboard is the natural starting point. It is a material we know inside out. But with the 360 Services, we can go well beyond paperboard, supporting the customer with their development goals.

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