Metsä Board Magazine – Spring 2024


Developing packaging proactively Metsä Board’s packaging design team innovates packaging solutions to improve the resource efficiency and functionality of packaging, reduce its environmental impact, and even reshape the packaging industry.

Sami Anteroinen, Elina Hovinen, photos: Jussi Hellsten

T he development of new packaging is not always based on customer orders or needs. Indeed, many of the new packaging solutions are the result of Metsä Board’s concept of open innovation development. “We want to open-mindedly test and explore new packaging solutions when we identify a development need and potential. Ideally, the new packages will find their way to the market. We be- lieve that openly sharing ideas and new packaging concepts pro- motes development across the sector,” says Ilkka Harju , Metsä Board’s Packaging Service Director. Metsä Board’s premium paperboards are suitable for a wide range of packaging solutions the customers have not even thought of yet. “By combining our material expertise, design competence, wide partner network and technologies, we can produce inno- vative packaging solutions. We want to show our customers real examples of all the things our paperboards can be used for.” Three examples of this proactive development are presented in this article.

8 % Lighter in weight

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