Read our Sustainability Report
What does resource wisdom mean, and how is it taken into account in forestry? Northern wood is a valuable raw material, so it must be used wisely. “We already know during felling how the wood will be used, so we can cut it optimally for its purpose,” says Pitkänen-Arte. Each part of the trunk is converted to its most val- uable possible end-use: logs are made into sawn tim- ber, used for wood products with a long life-cycle, while wood not suitable for timber with a smaller diameter, for example, is made into pulp, used for paperboard that can be used to replace fossil pack- aging materials, or in other bioproducts. The wood bark and some of the logging residue is used for the production of bioenergy.
What kinds of climate and water use targets does Metsä Board have?
Metsä Board’s target is to have fossil free mills that use as little process water as possible by the end of 2030 (target -35% by 2030 from 2018 level). Any- one can follow the progress on this target on the in- teractive roadmap available on the company’s sus- tainability website. “Our customers want to operate sustainably, so naturally they are also interested in knowing what we are doing to reduce our emissions. This is be- cause we as a material supplier are part of our cus- tomers’ value chain emissions. The value chain (Scope 3) emissions include emissions created in the production of raw materials such as our
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